Monday 13 June 2016

So Many Tears

It's a blogging tradition that when a tragedy happens, a blogger writes a post that makes it all about them. I want to do something a little different; I want to write a post that is mostly about me.

Okay. So not that different.

I read about the tragedy on Sunday morning before heading off to volunteer at my company's big annual charity event. I spent the day waffling between the fun and joy of helping raise over $50,000 for Island Prostate Centre and sadness about what had happened. I hugged my coworkers I saw who are lgbtq and I texted my friends who identify as lgbtq. My heart broke for all of them.

When I heard that the shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS, my heart broke again. There was going to be a litany of social media posts about "those people" and how they are the problem. I have never had to apologize for the actions of the IRA (regardless of your opinion on the actions of the IRA, they fit the criteria for a terrorist group), but the sweetest man I have ever known was going to have to apologize again for the actions of a person pledging allegiance to a group my friend detests.

It's Pride Month.

It's Ramadan.

You could not pick a more symbolic date this year for this to happen.

I made the mistake of reading through some social media posts - I know, I know; silly me - and while the vast majority of them were supportive, there were some of the "those [homosexual slur I refuse to have on this site] got what they deserved" comments. These comments predominantly came from young white men. Not visible minorities, but white men.,, and they will expect Muslims to apologize.

My heart broke again.

Sometimes, this world appears so broken. It needs to be fixed but it is such a big task.

It is overwhelming.

To any lgbtq people who stumble across this blog: I am so sorry for the world you have to live in, where there are still people who believe you to be degenerates, where your relationships are so easily questioned, where people feel comfortable using slurs towards you and as a way to degrade their 'friends'. I will do what I can with my actions and words to help make this world a better place for you. I wish you a better tomorrow and a lifetime of happiness.

To any Muslims who stumble across this blog: I am so sorry any racism you have to face in your life. I read and hear people's opinions on Muslims (and Arabs because lets just lump you all in together), but these people never seem to know any Muslims first hand. My Muslim friends are kind and generous people. They are no more at fault for the actions of the radical sects of their faith than I am. I will do what I can with my actions and words to help make this world a better place for you. I wish you a better tomorrow and a lifetime of happiness.

To everyone who reads here: All I have for you is my love and respect, but isn't that really all we need to start fixing our world? Isn't a lack of love and respect for our fellow humans the cause of so many of our current issues? I think so. I will do what I can with my actions and words to help make this world a better place for you. I wish you a better tomorrow and a lifetime of happiness.

From my little corner of the Internet, hugs and good wishes to you all.

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